Earlybird Offer

Suburb Selector Report

Original price was: $498.00.Current price is: $298.00. {price_including_GST}

Each Suburb Selector Report is personalised to your own search criteria and reveals up to ten suburbs with the best potential to meet your desired results.

Each report is personally desktop checked for accuracy by leading property market analyst and researcher John Lindeman.

Your report will be completed and emailed to the email address you provide within 2 business days. Please check when you order that your email address is correct.

We respect your privacy and only need your telephone number to contact you if there is an unforeseen delivery issue with your report. We will not contact you for any other reason, nor share any of your personal details with anyone else.

Fill in the details below then click ‘Add to Cart’ and fill in the payment details.

The order confirmation will be sent to you in this name. This also acts as your tax invoice. If you wish this to be in a company name, write it here.
We only contact you by phone if there is an issue or something we need to discuss with you in order to complete your report.
Note: We identify your search or farming areas in our database by State, cities, regions, local government areas, postcodes and suburbs. You can specify any combination of these in any one State as your preferred search area. Please do not request a search area by travel time or distance from one location.
Note: Sales data is provided for houses which normally includes townhouses and for units, which normally includes apartments, villas and duplexes.
Note: This is the current sale price for rental ready or renovated dwellings. If your strategy is to buy an unrenovated property to renovate and then sell, your buy price range should be up to 30% below the current median sale price range.
NOTE: You should only select ONE strategy option per report.
Note: We normally exclude suburbs which have few or no properties listed for sale to enable you to find a suitable property and negotiate a fair price. If you are searching for off-market properties, you may want all suburbs included in the search.
Note: You can choose the number of suburbs in your report from 6 up to 10
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What’s in each Suburb Selector Report?

A summary of how we narrowed down the search to find your best suburbs
Whether market conditions suit buyers or sellers in the selected suburbs
The high and low buy price range for houses or units in the selected suburbs
The cash flow and rental yield potential in the selected suburbs
The imminent price growth potential in the selected suburbs
The medium and long term price growth outlook in the selected suburbs
A full explanation of our market assessment and predictive methodologies