Claim your FREE personal consultation with Australia’s leading property market analyst, John Lindeman

John will answer your most pressing questions in a completely free thirty-minute personal telephone consultation.
Discover which way your property investments are heading
See which areas have the best prospect of imminent growth
Know where to find the highest long-term growth suburbs
Locate areas with positive cash flow from day one
Find renovation ready properties in growth potential areas
Decide whether it’s the right time to sell
Put John’s unique insights, skills and expertise to work for you with this no-obligation, free personal consultation.
Simply fill in and submit the appointment booking form below.
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Terms and Conditions
This offer is strictly limited to new applicants only. Your free thirty-minute consultation will be conducted by telephone at a time and date mutually agreed by you and John. This free consultation is provided by Property Power Partners Pty Ltd (ABN 90 146 786 889). The information provided in your free consultation does not constitute specific financial, accounting, tax, legal or other similar type advice. We strongly recommend that you liaise with your own financial, legal, accounting and other advisers to ensure that the information can be tailored to your specific needs. John Lindeman and Property Power Partners Pty Ltd do not hold financial services licences, do not purport to offer financial advice, and do not accept liability for any loss, damage or expense incurred by you if you rely on or utilise any of the methods, techniques or ideas provided by us.
About John Lindeman
John Lindeman is a best-selling and highly respected property market researcher and analyst.

John invented Australia’s only patented housing market prediction solution.
His predictive acumen is not based on intuition, gut feel or guesswork, but on the application of proven predictive methodologies which have delivered a consistent accuracy rate of over 90% since 2011.

This offer is strictly limited to new applicants only. Your free thirty-minute consultation will be conducted by telephone at a time and date mutually agreed by you and John. This free consultation is provided by Property Power Partners Pty Ltd (ABN 90 146 786 889). The information provided in your free consultation does not constitute specific financial, accounting, tax, legal or other similar type advice. We strongly recommend that you liaise with your own financial, legal, accounting and other advisers to ensure that the information can be tailored to your specific needs. John Lindeman and Property Power Partners Pty Ltd do not hold financial services licences, do not purport to offer financial advice, and do not accept liability for any loss, damage or expense incurred by you if you rely on or utilise any of the methods, techniques or ideas provided by us.