Know whether to buy, hold or sell
with John Lindeman’s Performance Predictor Report
Available for houses or units in any suburb, revealing:
Current conditions for buyers and sellers
Snapshot of recent performance and current rental yield
The high and low buy price range for typical houses or units
The cash flow potential
The short to medium-term price growth outlook
The long-term growth prediction

Produced by Australia’s leading property market analyst

John Lindeman is widely respected as one of Australia’s leading property market analysts and renowned as the property market researcher that property experts go to for all their Australian housing market insights.
John is a popular contributor to property related media, such as Your Investment Property Magazine, Michael Yardney’s Property Update, Kevin Turner’s Real Estate Talk and Alan Kohler’s Eureka Report. John has also authored the landmark best-selling books for property investors, Mastering the Australian Housing Market and Unlocking the Property Market, both published by Wileys.

John was awarded an Innovation Patent in August 2016 for his invention of the Housing Market Prediction Solution, which predicts housing price changes at suburb level up to ten years into the future.
John has also developed accurate rental demand forecasts which estimate likely cashflow projections in any suburb for investors.
John’s accuracy in predicting the nature and direction of housing markets is legendary.

John Lindeman’s predictions - an unequalled record of accuracy

In Property Observer Issue of 27 May 2016, John correctly predicted that Hobart was the next property hotspot and would boom in 2017, just before the growth kicked in.
Hobart was the best performer of all capital city housing markets in both 2017 and 2018.

In March 2020, John correctly predicted in Your Investment Property, Michael Yardney’s Property Update and other property media that our property markets would boom as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was at the same time as the economists and other analysts were all forecasting doom and gloom.
All of the above predictions were authored by John Lindeman and published in the sources quoted, with the results independently verified by CoreLogic published data.

What’s in each Performance Predictor Report for your suburb

A full explanation of our market assessment and predictive methodologies
Assessment of current market conditions for buyers and sellers
Snapshot of recent performance and current rental yield
The cash flow potential for houses or units in your suburb
The medium-term price growth outlook for houses or units in your suburb
The long-term growth prediction for houses or units in your suburb