John Lindeman’s Buy Hold Boom! Suburbs Report

June 2024 issue now available!

Authored by leading property market expert, John Lindeman, this report reveals  sixty-three suburbs set to boom over the next three to five years

My research reveals that the next housing market boom has already started and will be here for years to come. It’s time for investors to benefit.

We have now completed our analysis of the latest available data and have located sixty-three suburbs predicted to boom over the next three to five years.

John Lindeman’s Buy Hold Boom! Suburbs Report 

Gives you a comprehensive and easy to read  summary of the sixty-three suburbs set to boom over the next three to five years – and where to find them.

For each of the sixty-three suburbs this report reveals:

  • Current type of market for buyers and sellers

  • Snapshot of past performance

  • Suggested buy price range

  • Prediction accuracy rating

  • Imminent price growth potential

  • Short term cash flow potential

  • Current and potential rental yield

  • Three and five year price growth outlook

What’s in John Lindeman’s Buy Hold Boom! Suburbs Report

Produced by Australia’s leading property market analyst

John Lindeman is widely respected as one of Australia’s leading property market analysts and renowned as the property market researcher that property experts go to for all their Australian housing market insights.

John’s column on housing market research features monthly in Australian Property Investor Magazine and he is a popular contributor to investment related media, such as Your Investment Property Magazine, Michael Yardney’s Property Update, Kevin Turner’s Real Estate Talk and Alan Kohler’s Eureka Report. John has also authored the landmark best-selling books for property investors, Mastering the Australian Housing Market and Unlocking the Property Market, both published by Wileys.

John Lindeman’s Buy Hold Boom! Suburbs report brings you highly accurate property market forecasts produced by Australia’s only patented Housing Market Prediction Solution. The HOMPS database identifies the investment prospects for over 15,000 suburbs and towns, revealing their cash flow potential and predicting price performance up to ten years ahead.

Since they were developed, the predictive algorithms employed in the database have produced a consistent past predictive accuracy rate of over ninety per cent in terms of forecasting both the direction and intensity of price and rent changes.


In Property Observer Issue of 27 May 2016, John correctly predicted that Hobart was the next property hotspot and would boom in 2017, just before the growth kicked in.

Hobart was the best performer of all capital city housing markets in both 2017 and 2018.

In March 2020, John correctly predicted in Your Investment Property, Michael Yardney’s Property Update and other property media that our property markets would boom as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was at the same time as the economists and other analysts were all forecasting doom and gloom.  

In Your Investment Property Magazine’s Annual Top 50 Suburbs Guide for 2022, John Lindeman’s suburbs scored the highest average price growth of the fifty suburbs selected by the five experts.

John also picked the year’s best performing suburb, which was Sussex Inlet, gifting informed investors a $230,000 boom bonus. 

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