John Lindeman’s Shooting Star Suburbs Report for Australia

$298.00 {price_including_GST}

What’s in this report

There are sixty-five suburbs with sufficient listings to enable you to find bargains and for the first time ever, we’ve included an extra thirty-five suburbs where you can find and secure off-market properties.
Plus, we’ve added an exclusive report by John Lindeman showing you exactly how to find these hidden gems before others do.  

For each of the Shooting Star suburbs, the report reveals:

  • Current market conditions for buyers
  • Suggested low to high buy price range
  • Snapshot of recent performance
  • Current gross rental yield and rental yield potential
  • Strong imminent price growth trend
  • Strong cash flow potential
  • Moderate to strong three to five year price growth outlook


What’s in this report

There are sixty-five suburbs with sufficient listings to enable you to find bargains and for the first time ever, we’ve included an extra thirty-five suburbs where you can find and secure off-market properties.
Plus, we’ve added an exclusive report by John Lindeman showing you exactly how to find these hidden gems before others do.  

Who should buy this report

Perfect for investors wanting to invest in the housing market in Australia.

After purchase, your report is instantly delivered as a .pdf file to your inbox on receipt of payment. You are entitled to download and save one copy of the report for your personal use only. The link to download the report expires 10 days from the invoice date. Please save the report as soon as you download it.